Exterior of Tadich烧烤 restaurant

The Best Steakhouses in San Francisco

Looking for a juicy steak and all the 国? 以下是贝博体彩app最好的牛排馆的最终名单, from timeless classics to newer gems.

贝博体彩app的烹饪界以其多样性和高品质而闻名, and its steakhouses are no exception. 从 标志性的机构 到现代的转折, 海滨城市提供了许多选择,以满足各种风格和预算的牛排爱好者, 提供各种价位的美味佳肴和海鲜. 城里有这么多美味的牛排馆可供选择, each unique in its own way, we can only say: “Well done, 厨师!”


(415) 885-4605

A San Francisco institution, 上等肋排屋专门提供经典的上等肋排,经过21天的陈酿,并根据您的喜好在餐桌上雕刻. Each order is accompanied by a colorful salad, 土豆泥和肉汁或者烤土豆配酸奶油和香葱, traditional Yorkshire Pudding, 奶油菠菜, and fresh horseradish sauce. 当然, 菜单上有美味的甜点和各种鸡尾酒和葡萄酒,让您的用餐更加圆满. The Cocktail Lounge is a great spot for an aperitif, and the restaurant has a cozy, 老式的气氛. 这是一个特别的周末晚餐或带家人和朋友来参观城市的绝佳地点. 价格从中等到高不等,为不同的预算提供了选择.

吃 at 上等肋排屋


(415) 391-1849

Another iconic spot, 金融区's Tadich烧烤 是最老的, continuously run restaurant in California, 它起源于1849年由三个克罗地亚移民建立的咖啡摊. It's the kind of place where the servers know your name, 调酒师会记得你是喜欢摇的还是搅拌的马提尼. The restaurant offers over 75 entrees daily, 包括其著名的豆科植物炭烤肉和各种各样的优质海鲜. 一些顾客的最爱包括菲力牛排配小薯条和蔬菜, 炖肉, which is plated with lobster, 蛤, 扇贝, and a side of grilled bread, and the crab cake appetizer. 酒单提供充足,和经验丰富的酒吧团队准备经典的手工鸡尾酒. 价格适中. 有了这么多的菜单选项,每个人的喜好和预算都有了选择.



(415) 369-9955

这家Embarcadero牛排馆无缝融合了经典魅力与现代精致, 提供精致的用餐体验,辅之以海湾大桥的壮丽景色. 厨师帕克·乌尔里希制作的菜肴散发着简约的气息,但却充满了味道. 单点菜单拥有来自陆地和海洋的各种诱人的选择, 伴随着一个广泛的酒单和选择的招牌鸡尾酒. 一定要为甜点留下空间,以完成您的用餐体验. 高质量的使用, environmentally responsible produce, 肉, 海鲜、优质的饮料选择和镇上一些最好的风景意味着这里的价格处于高端.




(415) 775-4877

原来乔的 自1937年以来一直提供丰盛的牛排和经典菜肴. 如今,这家餐厅每天都在开放式厨房里准备菜肴. 本店特色菜有烤排骨配土豆泥, 奶油菠菜, 原汁的, and horseradish sauce; a house-made lasagna; and risotto with seared 扇贝. A variety of steaks and chops graces the menu as well, and there's a wide selection of wines as well as classic, 季节性, 还有招牌鸡尾酒. 在这个永恒的经典和当地最喜欢的价格是适度的一边.



(415) 495-1111

位于 SoMa district, 亚历山大的牛排馆提出了一个精致的当代美国牛排馆的餐饮演绎, subtly infused with 日本 elements across its menu. 以国内和进口的和牛而闻名, 这里是食肉动物寻找极品中的极品的首选之地. The omakase tasting menu is outstanding, with dishes like Wagyu tataki, 蟹蒜面, and black sesame panna cotta. 感觉特别奇特? 加上鱼子酱, which consists of an ounce of golden Osetra caviar, accompanied by scallion pancakes, 腌蛋黄, 鲜奶油, 和香葱. You can also order from the à la carte menu, 你在哪里可以找到各种国际来源的牛排, 海鲜, 和甜点. 夜帽鸡尾酒和强化葡萄酒也可以选择. Offering unique and special 肉s, in addition to an all-around top-notch experience, 这家受欢迎的牛排馆的价格比较高.



(415) 508-4675

位于 金融区, 保险库提供了一个复杂的餐饮体验在一个历史性的设置:安置在一个原始的银行保险库! 用现代烹饪的视角改造传统的牛排馆, the restaurant offers timeless cocktails, diverse whiskey offerings, and thoughtfully selected wines. The steaks are meticulously prepared, and the freshly sourced 海鲜, 创意小菜, 个性化的餐桌服务为您带来奢华的体验. Highlights on the menu include caviar service; a variety of black angus and Wagyu 肉s, which can be served with sauces like black truffle bordelaise and barrel-aged Worcestershire; and a side of black truffle lobster mac and cheese. 在钢琴休息室,您可以享受现场音乐和欢乐时光菜单,每周五天. Prices at this steakhouse are on the higher end, 但在这个时尚而现代的地方吃顿饭是非常值得的.



(415) 673-1888

A classic steakhouse with a timeless ambiance, Harris' has been serving top-quality steaks since 1984. 来这里享受一个时髦的爵士乐之夜,经典鸡尾酒,获奖葡萄酒,A5和牛. 这家家庭经营的精致餐厅供应经典菜肴,如干酿Porterhouse, 带骨纽约牛排, 和缅因龙虾. There is also a selection of interesting 国, like truffle Madeira sauce and caramelized onions, and a variety of distinguished Midwestern aged beef. If you want to enjoy the Harris' experience at home, stop by the steakhouse's Butcher Shop, offering a selection of dry-aged beef that's freshly cut. 而太平洋酒吧 & Piano Lounge could be your destination for the night, 有现场爵士乐和完整的菜单,在一个更乐观的环境, it's also a fantastic spot for pre-dinner drinks. Prices are on the higher side, 但无懈可击的服务和一贯优质的食物使它脱颖而出.



(415) 986-0069

家族企业,即将迎来其第120个年头, 约翰的烧烤 is a San Francisco institution. Featured in classic works of detective noir like 马耳他猎鹰 也是几十年来贝博体彩app政客们的聚集地, 在约翰烧烤店,你可以买到当地特色的健康食品来搭配你的美味, dry-aged Black Angus steaks. 约翰烧烤店的团队以服务的一致性而自豪, 在氛围, and in its quality menu selections. 自然, you're reading this because you're looking for a good steak; but don't ignore the jumbo prawns, 羊排, or one-of-a-kind Jack LaLane salad, 要么.



(415) 829-7817

Combining 日本 and American influences, Niku牛排餐厅 offers a unique, high-end dining experience in the Design District. 这 Michelin-starred restaurant 闪耀着其内部干老化程序和独特的选择令人垂涎的日本A5和牛, coupled with a focus on wood-fired cuisine. Executive Chef Dustin Falcon, an alumnus of The French Laundry, 他的团队创造了创新的小盘子和配菜,将用餐体验提升到传统牛排餐厅之外, 比如黑松露肉肠配鸡肉和猪油香肠, 莫雷尔蘑菇, 还有马德拉毛毯, 茄汁生蚝、茄汁生蚝、茄汁生蚝、茄汁生蚝、茄汁生蚝. 牛排馆提供了一个屡获殊荣的酒单和各种鸡尾酒专注于来自世界各地的威士忌. 这个空间感觉既豪华又现代,有落地窗和深色木墙. 毗邻餐厅,还有一个优秀的肉店. Prices here are on the higher end, 反映了食材的质量和菜肴的工艺.


米勒 & 勒克斯

(415) 872-6699

以标志性的中央山谷牧场公司米勒命名 & 勒克斯向加州的农业遗产致敬,同时提供高品质的牛排 追逐中心. Chef Tyler Florence invites guests to a fine-dining experience with steaks sourced from top-tier American ranches; an extensive raw bar featuring exquisite, sustainable 海鲜; and a selection of farm-direct vegetables. 一个全球策划的酒单和一个杰出的鸡尾酒节目圆满的晚上. 除了精心准备的牛排和豪华的配菜和盘子,M&L Burger—made with a dry-aged blend, Mt. 三层奶油、培根果酱、洋葱圈、豆瓣菜和松露薯条是菜单上的亮点. 它的精致甚至为它在米其林加利福尼亚最佳汉堡的综述中赢得了一席之地. With its old-school yet luxe ambiance, 很好客, and top-notch culinary offerings, the price point at this steakhouse is at the higher end.

在米勒餐厅吃饭 & 勒克斯


(415) 550-6970

洛丽达,位于 任务的区这家餐厅是一家南美风味的传统牛排餐厅. 厨师亚历杭德罗摩根和胡安托雷斯工艺精心策划的菜单混合拉丁美洲风味与加利福尼亚美食的影响. 这家餐厅有一个充满活力的氛围,适合各种场合, 从团体聚会和浪漫的夜晚到商务会议和节日活动. 一个家庭式的概念,在柴火烤架上准备的肉类与拉丁美洲的最爱相结合, like ceviche and empanadas, make this steakhouse stand out. 甜点, try their twist on Milk and Cookies, featuring homemade alfajores filled with dulce de leche, paired with a creamy vanilla milkshake. 洛丽达也有梦幻般的葡萄酒和鸡尾酒单,反映了餐厅的南美根源. 价格适中到高,快乐时光菜单提供了一个坚实的选择美味的项目.



(415) 771-6776

头山的 欧索牛排馆提供了一个精致的用餐经验,干熟牛排和现代氛围. As you enter the elegant space, you'll be enveloped in a welcoming atmosphere, 辅以细心的员工承诺无可挑剔的服务. 这家牛排馆供应精选自顶级牧场和农场的优质牛排, guaranteeing outstanding quality and taste. In addition to skillfully prepared steaks, the restaurant offers appetizers, 国, 和甜点, as well as an award-winning wine list and craft cocktails. 菜单上的亮点包括hamachi crudo with yuzu ponzu, 墨西哥胡椒, 和shiso, 一块45盎司的战斧牛排, 一份大龙虾尾配炒菠菜和蛋黄酱. 餐厅还提供了一个极好的选择酒吧咬, 理想的那些寻求一个悠闲的用餐经验与伟大的公司和清爽的饮料. Prices here are on the higher side, 但肉的质量和对细节的关注让它值得一花.



(415) 363-9539

Part of a renowned steakhouse chain, the 联合广场 大师的牛排馆的位置提供了一个高端的用餐体验. 餐厅结合了高品质的牛排和海鲜与卓越的服务. 严格的高档着装要求和日常现场音乐,氛围优雅,充满活力和优雅. 除了优质的美国和日本的A5和牛牛排, menu highlights include a lobster cocktail, 寿司精选, and truffle butter sautéed wild mushrooms. 一个广泛的, 屡获殊荣的酒单和选择经典和招牌鸡尾酒有你的细读, 你会想要为著名的热黄油蛋糕留点空间. 因为这是一个特殊的夜晚外出或重要的商务聚会的地方, prices at this upscale locale are on the higher end.


Author 卢卡斯Mittenentzwei

卢卡斯Mittenentzwei是一名数字项目和内容顾问. 原产于德国, he has lived in California since 2010, calling San Francisco his home for several years. 卢卡斯在加入加州旅游局之前从事酒店业,该旅游局的使命是鼓励世界各地的人来加州旅游. 他对旅行体验的各个方面都充满热情, 但尝试新餐厅(或久经考验的经典餐厅)是他的首要任务.
